Saturday, March 28, 2009

Super Size Me Please !

Supersize Me. Dir. Morgan Spurlock. Perf. Morgan Spurlock, Daryl Isaacs, Lisa Ganjhu, and Stephen Siegal. Kathbur Pictures, 2004.

This Oscar nominated film took the world by storm in its 2004 release and put a dark shadow over the fast food industry. SuperSize Me follows around main character and director Morgan Spurlock as he eats nothing but McDonalds for 30 days. The goal of this movie was to show the negative effects of eating that much fast food has on the body in such a short amount of time. The film was made as a documentary and drew both laughter and criticism by all that watched it. The humor of it was that it took a topic (fast food) that is highly popular in the United States and around the world and through the use of demonstration, called for change. It was to encourage people to take notice in the food that they eat and even though it is fast and delicious, it has consequences that go unnoticed. Those who stray away from fast food found it as an amusing entertainment against people who they see around them doing it in their daily lives. Those who found commonality in it found it repulsive and took note to change it in their own life.

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