Thursday, March 26, 2009

Large Hadron Rap

In her website Kate McAlpine describes herself as “an adventurer in the realm of ideas”, who has “pitched [her] camp at a crossroads: the intersection of science and writing.” Even as a promising scientific writer who has contributed to many prestigious publications, Kate still believes that although reporting is a serious business, science itself should be fun.
Faithful to her mission “to generate interest in and understanding of scientific topics through writing,” Kate made a rap video about the Large Hadron Collider, the groundbreaking particle accelerator that has been built in a 17-mile circular tunnel at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland. It is amazing how she managed to explain in few lines things like mass-energy equivalence, the case for dark matter or what antimatter is.
Rap and physics are two worlds culturally light years apart. Through her courage, creativity and intelligence Kate has successfully bridged the gap between the two. I believe that a great part of the half-million visitors who have watched her video will attempt to find out what’s going on there in Switzerland. I agree with Kate that physics rap or rather science rap is the next big thing.

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