Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Richard Dawkins reads his hate mail

In the above clip, Oxford University professor reads his hate mail out loud. Richard Dawkins is a well-known atheist and avid defender of Darwin’s theory of Evolution over the theory of creationism. This has brought him a lot of hatred from religious clergy and pro-religious organizations. In the clip, Richard Dawkins reads outs some of the most comical attacks he has received in his email. The clip deals with the eternal struggle between religion and science. Each side seeks to explain the mysteries of the universe, while trying to disprove the other side’s arguments. In this clip, the two extremes of the spectrum, with Dawkins advocating for science and the e-mailers advocating for religion. Dawkins makes frequent visits to universities around the world and gives lectures on evolution to students.

Richard Dawkins reads hate mail. Perf. Richard Dawkins. YouTube. 30 Aug. 2008. 31 Mar. 2009 .

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