Sunday, March 29, 2009

High School Bars Criticism of President Obama

Semmens, John. “High School Bars Criticism of President Obama.” 24 January 2009. Viewed 26 Mach 2009. .

This satire is about a high school in Indiana that banned students from criticizing President Obama. The administration claimed that this was done because it is every American’s duty to fully support Obama in all of his endeavors despite the fact that criticizing former President Bush was allowed.

Of course none of this actually happened, but it does raise an interesting point, few people are criticizing President Obama, and those that do tend to be attacked for it. This article pokes fun at this idea by stating that all criticism is banned and essentially unpatriotic. The article is aimed at people who have some knowledge of current events, as layer 2 would be lost on those who were not.

John Semmens has written numerous articles, both satirical and not, that have appeared in such places as the Wall Street Journal and Washington Times.

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