Each installment of the recurring sketch has Will Ferrel playing an exasperated Alex Trebek, and various other cast members and hosts as the three contestants. The skit got really popular when Darrell Hammond came on as a very rude Sean Connery, driving Trebek up a wall. The sketch critiques the modern celebrity, ridiculing them for their lack of intellect. The contestants rarely, if ever, get the questions right, even though most children could answer correctly.
This example comes from an October, 1998 episode where the contestants are Tom Cruise (payed by Ben Stiller), Adam Sandler (Jmmy Fallon) and Sean Connery (Hammond).
"Celebrity Jeopardy! Cruise, Sandler, and Connery." Saturday Night Live. Host Ben Stiller. National Broadcasting Company. 24 October 1998. 27 March 2009.
This is hilarious. My favorite category is "the number 10" - "every answer is 10. When I finish reading the category, just say 10."