Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wonder Showzen

John Lee and Vernon Chatman. Wonder Showzen Season 1 Episode 4: Diversity. Originally aired on MTV2 on April 1, 2005. Clip URL: Posted 2007. Accessed 3.29.09.

Wonder Showzen was a satire that took the form of a children’s show. It takes an absurdist view of our world, and tries to explain what is wrong with it in terms that kids might be able to understand. However, as the disclaimer at the beginning of the show states: “WARNING WONDER SHOWZEN CONTAINS OFFENSIVE, DESPICABLE CONTENT THAT IS TOO CONTROVERSIAL AND TOO AWESOME FOR ACTUAL CHILDREN. THE STARK, UGLY, PROFOUND TRUTHS WONDER SHOWZEN EXPOSES MAY BE SOUL CRUSHING TO THE WEAK OF SPIRIT. IF YOU ALLOW A CHILD TO WATCH THIS SHOW, YOU ARE A BAD PARENT OR GUARDIAN.” That essentially sums it up. The themes dealt with by this show range from God, religion, human nature, human conflict, and especially popular culture (aka: how stupid we can be). The show is extremely dark and cynical, but still manages to be funny through its highly ironic and sarcastic tone.

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