Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pork and Beans (Official Music Video) - Weezer

Weezer has compiled popular YouTube clips to create a music video for Pork and Beans, a song off their 2008 record The Red Album. The YouTube stars that have been chosen to be a part of the official music video for a wildly popular band are ordinary people. The video is just one example of the emerging category of celebrity: the YouTube celebrity. Thanks to the internet, everyone has the potential for fame by broadcasting themselves for millions to see.
The video makes audiences laugh when they recognize a clip that they have seen before—the humor is derived from the timing of the clips (they cut quickly from one to the next or jump back and forth) and from the “inside joke”-esque appeal between the viewer and Weezer. There is a bond of pop culture between the viewer and the famous music group that remind us that we all are connected by our humanity. The internet’s equalizing force on social status is exemplified when the YouTubers are all in the same room with Weezer in the final moments of the video.

“Pork and Beans (Official Music Video).” Perf. Weezer. Interscope Records, 2008. <>.

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