Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job

Heidecker, Tim, and Eric Wareheim. "Hair." Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job. Adult Swim. 29 Mar. 2009.

Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job is a live action TV show with animated elements. The show always begins with a short skit, the theme song and then an introduction to the show by its creators. Each episode's introduction puts Tim and Eric into a different style of television. The humor comes from the way Tim and Eric parody styles like talk shows, public access or popular teen television. In one episode the entire show is cut and animated like a low rent MTV show with absurd product placement and a reality segment of Tim buying a bong. The show is cut in a very erratic nature, with "story" lines being revealed only 1 minute at a time. This seemingly random nature of the show fits in perfectly with the ridiculous transitions which utilize computer animation. The show has been known to feature many different comedians including Patton Oswald, Maria Bamford, John C. Reilly, Michael Ian Black, David Wain and many more. The show also utlizes music to great effect; creating original songs with crazy, sometimes disturbing lyrics and also remixed sounds from the show along with animation creating trippy techno songs. The overall absurdness of the show coupled with great guests, funny songs and awesome animation creates one hilarious package.

Below is the most recent Tim and Eric Awesome Show featuring special guests John C. Reilly and David Wain. Enjoy!

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