Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Adam Hills Australian Accent

Adam Hills. Melbourne Comedy Festival Gala 2006. Melbourne, Australia. "Australian Accent." YouTube 1.01.08.

In this clip, Adam Hills poked fun of his fellow Aussies and their tendency to make every statement sound as if it were a question. Hills gets the audience laughing by giving them a few examples of how their inflections makes statements sound as if they need answering when in reality they do not.  This plays into the theme of communication where the Australian accent and inflection makes their way of speaking difficult to understand to others.  His point if humorous enough to laugh at on the surface but in reality Hills is pointing out something about Australians. He says that Aussies make their voices sound insecure because they are desperately seeking the approval of others. According to Hills, Australians make their statements sound like questions because they are too afraid to make a sincere statement. His humor is similar to many other comedians that we have watched in class in that his jokes poke fun of something he believes to be true. Like Sarah Silverman, Hills makes fun something he thinks could change and in this case it is his own peers.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I really loved this monologue, but I'm spanish and I didn't understand some things. I wonder if you could write some substitles in english. If you want to give me some help with that, could you answer me in ?
    Please, I hope you do this ^^ Byee
