Friday, February 6, 2009

Russell Peters Indian Accent

Russell Peters. !Xobile. Dir. Lawrence Jordan.  Tempe, Arizona. "Indian Accent." YouTube. 7.02.06. <>

This is a clip from a full comedy routine by Russell Peters entitled !Xobile. Peters pokes fun at many different cultures and their accents but namely the Indian accent. In this clip, Peters comments that even though Indians have accents they are still aware of the way they sound. This plays into my topic of language and communication as Peters uses his personal experience of being an Indian to comment on society's perception of other languages and their accents.  Peters, in pointing out a common American habit, informs his audience that not only are Indians aware of their accent but they know that it sounds funny.  Peter's humor uses truth to show a different point of view from the Indian perspective. Instead of making fun of the accent itself, he pokes fun at those who think Indians are not aware of it. His humor is relatable not only to his often culturally diverse audience but to anyone who has ever laughed at the sound of a foreign accent. 

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