Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Everybody Hates Chris Episode 10

Williams, Tyler. “Season 4 Episode 10-Part 3_3,” Everybody Hates Chris. Youtube. Accessed Feb. 17, 2009. < v="oRA8btiF0tY">

Everybody Hates Chris is a sitcom about comedian Chris Rock’s childhood and the struggles he experienced growing up in New York in the 1970’s. The show was created by Chris Rock himself as well as Ali LeRoi and is aired on the CW television network. Chris Rock’s character is played by actor Tyler James Williams. In his youth, Chris finds himself having to balance life at an all white school with the life he has at home, in a more urban and black neighborhood. This episode in particular, lightheartedly exemplifies the perils of city living as Chris and his family endures New Year’s in New York City. There is a scene where he and his family are stacking bags of rice in the window to keep outside gunfire from scattering glass over the living room floor. This episode as well as the others show typical life in the inner city—gun shots, robbery, and hustling. The audience is mostly Black.

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